December 5, 2013

Brand Spankin' New

I hope you guys adore my new blog look as much as I do. I've worked at it vigorously for the past twenty-four hours. My blog tittle has changed and the reason for that change is because I found myself wanting to be able to write about more than just motherhood. Don't get me wrong, I'm sure there is going to be plenty of mommy updates but I want to leave the door wide open.
I chose the name Work of Sunshine for many reasons. For one, I consider writing my work. It's an aspiring career. For two, I was born August 7th, the sunniest month of the year, and according to my astrology sign, I'm a fire sign and my ruling planet is the sun. And lastly, "You Are My Sunshine" was the first thing I said/sang to Liv when she was born and to this day it's the only song I can sing to pull her out of a temper-tantrum and into silence. It's like magic. 
Other new things I tried out today include: thinking about a recipe section of my blog, recording an [awful] vlog that I've been contemplating on adding into my blogging experience to connect with more readers, and learning how to read and write HTML code (as of now I'm self taught and not very good.) I am completely open to suggestions and opinions. While it's true that I love to free write, I also love to write about what people want to read about. 
The last new thing I've got going on is my smooch and signature at the end of each post. It's my way of personalizing the love to all of my readers. 

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