October 22, 2013

A Lil Somein-Somein About Jess

For my first blog post I'm going to do an in depth tell all about myself. First there's the basics and the most obvious, which is that I am a young mother of one little girl. She is currently seventeen months old as I write this. I am also a wife to an Airman and we are a fairly new military family, he has just past his one year mark. I am currently twenty and motherhood to me, is the most important aspect of my life. It is definitely at the top of my priorities and later on I of course will get into why I feel like not all young mothers should be portrayed as "bad" or naive mothers, but for now I'm going to continue to divulge the details about me. I would say I feed off of positivity and I don't very much like or sympathize with negative people. I like to keep a clean and healthy lifestyle but I also leave room for messes and breaks. I feel like it is important to be passionate, it is important to be kind, and it is important to be a good listener and an honest responder. I'm the type of person who can find beauty in almost anything. I like to think I have an open and creative mind. I try to keep extremely organized and technology is my partner in crime for that. I love embracing my girlishness through doing my makeup, fixing my hair, and painting my nails, as well as setting up at home DIY spa treatments on a regular basis. I think that looking good shows self love and in turn you will feel good as well. I'd call myself artistic, as a matter of fact, it's a strength of mine rather than a talent. I've always been a very hands on person and I find I connect with anything that inspires creative thinking and doing. For example, I love to paint, sketch portraits, crochet, write poetry, cook, and daydream. I have a knack for photography both in front of and some behind the lens (mostly only of my daughter though) and even more of a knack for interior decorating. I enjoy being impulsive and wild, which some may find to be flaws but I find it to be very freeing and gratifying. I love all kinds of music and I love comedies and war movies but I'm not much for sappy romantic movies. I never stop reading, I literally never have a break in between books and most of the time I read multiple books at once. I think reading is important to expanding your mind and it helps you grow.
I hope that if anyone happens to stumble upon my blog that they find they can easily relate and they feel inspired to share their own life experiences with me or with the rest of the world. I can only wish for the best, for kindness from others and for the chance to be able to return the favor. I love to learn new things from all kinds of people and I feel that everyone in the world is of equal importance.

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