She had such a blast running around in the fair weather with all the pretty smelling trees around her.
Just when I thought I'd caught up with her, she'd take off in another direction. She was a girl on a mission.
She even studied each tree pretty hard with me a Nana before we picked out our favorite. I think sometimes she understands more than she lets on. Today was a pivot point in her toddlerhood as she's finally began to imitate words that we tell her to say. First thing out of her mouth this morning was "good morning" in response to her Nanas "good morning". Then later on in the day I got my first "no-no" back from her after I was telling her not to do something. And it's all up and down hill from there.
We got the tree home eventually and made a party out of decorating. So far Elivia is doing a pretty excelent job of understanding you can look but you can't touch. This is going to be the best Christmas I've had in four years and the first one Elivia's ever had with my family. And that's what matters the most on the holidays. That's all I could ever ask for.
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